The IEEE PSES is looking back at the prior two-year period of 2020 and 2021 for PSES award nominations, to be presented at the awards ceremony at ISPCE 2022, in San Diego, CA, September 20-22, 2022.
We are looking for award nominations in the following categories:
1. Sustained Service Award – IEEE PSES Plaque Award
Description: To recognize members of the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society for their sustained service to the Society in a given calendar year.
Prize: Plaque of Appreciation and a monetary gift of US$500.
Funding: Funded by the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society.
Eligibility: Sr. member (Senior, Life or Fellow) in good standing with IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society. The recipient must have served at least one term on the Board of Directors/Board of Governors of the PSES since the inception (including the time as a technical society within the EMCS) or served at least one term as part of the executive team (ExComm).
Basis for Judging: Sustained service to the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society for an extended period of time (ie, >10 years), dedicating their time and efforts to support the development of the PSES.
Presentation: IEEE PSES awards are presented annually at the awards ceremony during ISPCE.
2. Service Acknowledgement Award – IEEE PSES Certificate of Appreciation Award
Description: To recognize members of the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society for performing a service to the Society in a given calendar year.
Prize: Certificate of Appreciation.
Funding: Funded by the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society.
Eligibility: Member of the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society. Basis for Judging: Service to the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society.
Presentation: IEEE PSES awards are presented annually at the awards ceremony during ISPCE.
3. Service Acknowledgement Award – IEEE PSES Certificate of Recognition Award
Description: To recognize non-members of the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society for contributions to the Society in a given calendar year.
Prize: Certificate of Recognition.
Funding: Funded by the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society.
Eligibility: Non-member of the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society. Basis for Judging: Contributions to the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society.
Presentation: IEEE PSES awards are presented annually at the awards ceremony during ISPCE
4. IEEE PSES Chapter-of-the-Year Award
Description: To recognize the most outstanding IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society chapter in recognition of their contributions to and promotion of the Society through its meetings, programs, and member services. This award is to be provided for activities in the previous calendar year.
Prize: Certificate and $250 – Given to the Society chapter recognized for promotion of PSES through meetings, programs, and services. The name of the Society shall appear prominently on the certificate associated with the award.
Funding: Funded by the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society.
Eligibility: This award is given to the most outstanding Society chapter in recognition of its contributions to and promotion of the Society through its meetings, programs, and member services. A Chapter of-the-Year winner in one year shall not be eligible in the subsequent year. Please see this link for the Chapter of year questionnaire.
Basis for Judging: The awards program shall be coordinated by the Chapter-of-the-Year Administrator under the oversight of the Awards Committee and responsibility of the VP – Member Services. This award is given to the most outstanding Society chapter in recognition of its contributions to and promotion of the Society through its meetings, programs, and member services. The award is for the year immediately prior to the award presentation.
Presentation: IEEE PSES awards are presented annually at the awards ceremony during ISPCE.
Everyone is eligible to put forward nominations! Please support your fellow colleagues and chapters in their contribution to the IEEE PSES and give us your nominations.
Please send your nominations to Grant Schmidbauer ([email protected]) by the following dates:
- For Sustained Service Award and Service Acknowledgement Award with your basis for nomination within June 30, 2022; and
- For Chapter-of-the-Year Award with your completed questionnaire within June 30, 2022.