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Jim Bender, P.E.

Jim Bender, P.E. is currently a Senior Systems Engineer at Intertek.  His responsibilities include developing new product safety certification testing approaches for emerging technologies and applications, customer support in high technology safety certifications and mentoring professional engineering talent in the art of product safety.
Prior to joining Intertek, Jim retired from Texas Instruments following a near forty year career as a Senior Member Technical Staff, and Director of Regulatory Compliance and Product Safety.  His responsibilities included leadership roles in product safety and regulatory compliance, resulting in many new proactive compliance initiatives and industry firsts, industry standards developments and new product category certifications covering a broad offering of new technology product introductions.
Jim is the current chair and co-founder of the North Texas IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society, a graduate of Purdue University (BSEE/MSE) and a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.

Steve Reinecke

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